*EPP Seminar [#r41e1721]
**2011 [#q95350f3]
-2011-June-10 (Fri)
--講師:田島 治 氏 (高エネルギー加速器研究機構)
--時間と場所:13:00 in the 3rd lecture room
--題目:インフレーション宇宙の痕跡を探す! - QUIET実験の初期結果
--概要:宇宙初期に加速度的膨張「インフレーション」があったと記述するインフレー ション宇宙論、それはビッグバン宇宙論だけでは記述しきれない観測事実を見事に説明する。そしてインフレーション宇宙論の決定的証拠となるのが、宇宙背景放射 (CMB) 偏光の特殊なパターン「Bモード」である。Bモードは未発見であり、 様々な実験が壮絶な発見競争を繰り広げている。QUIET実験はBモードの発見を目指して、チリアタカマ高地(海抜5千メートル)で2年以上におよぶ観測を 行ってきた。本講演ではその初期結果を報告すると共に、CMB 偏光の測定方法等も出来るだけわかりやすく説明したい。また、次期実験の計画と展望についても 触れる。
-2011-May-27 (Fri) 
--Lecturer: Prof. Jae Yu (University of Texas at Arlington)
--Time and place: 16:00 in the 3rd lecture room
--Slides: [[ppt:http://epp.phys.kyushu-u.ac.jp/documents/yu-kyushu-colloquium-052711.ppt]] [[pdf:http://epp.phys.kyushu-u.ac.jp/documents/yu-kyushu-colloquium-052711.pdf]] 
--Title:  A Quest for the Origin of the Universe
--Abstract: High Energy Physics is a field of physics that
pursues understanding the fundamental building blocks of
matter and the forces between them.   For these, the field
uses powerful particle accelerators to probe deeper into
ever smaller scales in the universe and complex detectors to
analyze the phenomena emerging from the accelerator.  The
Large Hadron Collider experiments at CERN have started
taking data early 2010 and are producing results in pursuit
for the last undiscovered particle, the Higgs boson.   One
of the next generation particle accelerators for even more
precise understanding of the universe is that collides
electrons and positrons on a straight line.   The UTA High
Energy Physics group has been working on developing an
advanced calorimeter - an energy measuring device - for this
and other future accelerators using a new detector
technology, the Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM).  In the
process of development, we have noticed that GEM detector is
sensitive to X-rays and other radiations and have started
collaborating with many institutions around the world,
including the University of Texas at South Western Medical
Center, for its use in everyday lives.   In this talk, I
will explain High Energy Physics, selected recent results
from the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider, the
linear collider and the principles of GEM detector and its
potential use on everyday lives.